“Some of us grew up playing with tractors; the lucky ones still do”
For the candidates seeking admission in Agriculture courses in various Universities in India, ICAR (Indian Council of Agriculture Research) conducts AIEEA UG (All India Entrance Examination for Admission to Under Graduation) once every year.
ICAR conducts three exams. AIEEE UG, AIEEA PG, ACE JRF SRF PGS. Here we are talking about the UG entrance examination. Students who have a basic interest in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, and Dairy may appear in this exam for admission in these Under Graduate courses.
Available Courses
The various courses available are as follows:
- BSc (Hons) Forestry
- BSc (Hons) Horticulture
- BSc (Hons) Community Science
- BSc (Hons) Sericulture
- BSc (Hons) Agriculture
- B Tech (Agriculture)
- BTech Food Technology
- BTech Bio-Technology
- B Tech Dairy Technology
Eligibility for ICAR AIEEA UG
The eligibility criteria for admission into undergraduate programs through the 24th AIEEE UG 2019 of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research are as follows:
- Only Indian citizen completing 17years of age on 31st August of exam year can fill up the application form.
- Applicant must have passed 10+2 from a recognized board with Physics, Chemistry and any one of the subjects amongst Biology/ Mathematics/ Agriculture/Home Science as subjects.
- Applicants who are appearing for the qualifying examination (10+2) in the current year are also eligible to apply.
- For the Applicants belonging to GEN, UPS (Under Privileged State) and OBC categories minimum marks should be 50% in aggregate (40% in case of SC/ST/PC).
- Applicants who have passed +2 with Agriculture and not with Physics and Chemistry will be eligible for admission in some Universities in the Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, and Uttarakhand. Details of courses, Subjects needed. in +2 and subjects of the exam are given below in the following table.
Degree program | Subjects you have passed in 10 + 2 | Subjects in the entrance exam |
BSc (Hons) Agriculture | PCB / PCMB / PCM / Inter-Agriculture | PCB / PCA / ABC / PCM |
BSc (Hons) Horticulture | PCB / PCM / PCM / Inter-Agriculture / PCF | PCB / PCA / ABC / PCM |
B.F.Sc. | PCB / PCMB / Inter-Agriculture | PCB / PCA / ABC |
BSc (Hons) Forestry | PCB / PCMB / Inter-Agriculture | PCB / PCA / ABC |
BSc (Hons) Community Science | PCB / PCMB / PCM | PCB / PCM |
BSc (Hons) Sericulture | PCB / PCMB / PCM | PCB / PCM |
BTech Agricultural Engineering | PCM / PCM | PCM |
Btech Dairy Technology | PCMB / PCM | PCM |
Btech Food Technology | PCM / PCM | PCM |
Btech Bio Technology | PCB / PCMB / PCM | PCB / PCM |
ICAR AIEEA UG 2019 Application Form
Forms will be available on ICAR’s official site. It is advisable that candidates should fill all the details in the application with very caution. Application forms may be rejected by any wrong or invalid information. Also, the candidates shall have to upload a color Passport size Photo, Thumb Impression (left for male / right for female) and Signature. Candidates are advised to take print out of the confirmation page of the application form. Applicant should send a Hard copy of the application to New Delhi Office only by Speed-Post or Registered post.
Application Fee
The application fee is to be paid through credit card or debit card or net banking. For General and OBC applicants Rs 700/- and for SC/ST/PH applicants Rs. 350/- is the application fee.

How to Fill AIEEA UG 2019 Application Form
Applicants are advised to go through the information available on the official website or in the brochure completely before proceeding to fill an application form for AIEEA UG 2019. the application form will be available online only but the applicant will have to fill it online as well as will have to send the hardcopy offline also to the New Delhi office. Following steps should be followed while filling the application form
- Open the official website of ICAR www.icar.org.in and select New Registration button
- UG and PG options are there. Choose course preference.
- In every section of the form, fill the required details, like Personal details, Qualification details, Communication details, and the Subject group offered.
- Click on the submit button but before that fill all the details properly and recheck it.
- Now you will be directed to the payment page of the application form on the website.
- By entering your card details and then clicking on the Pay Now button, you will have to pay the fee.
- Take the printout of that application form for future use.
- Write the declaration in your own handwriting on half white A4 size sheet as a handwriting proof.
- Along with the hard copy of application form, Printout of computer- generated confirmation page and the proof of the fee payment should be attached and should be sent through Speed post / Registered Post only at the following address.
The controller of Examination (Agriculture Education)
Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan – II,
New Delhi – 110 012 INDIA.
Phone: (Off.) 91-11-25841760; Fax: 91-11-25843932
ICAR AIEEA UG 2019 Admit Card
ICAR AIEEA UG 2019 Admit card will be available online on the official website only. It is mandatory to bring the Admit card on the day of the examination. No one will be allowed to enter without the Admit card for the exam. The copy of the Admit card should be Self-attested, Pasted a photo of the applicant, Signed, and a Thumb impression must be there in the provided space. Candidates can contact the Nodal Officer of the City Center examination, at least two days prior to the date of examination, if there is a problem downloading their Admit card.
ICAR AIEEE Result will be published on the ICAR website. Copies of the results will also be displayed in the examination room of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Agricultural Research Bhavan-2, Pusa, New Delhi. Results of the AIEEE entrance examination will provide the overall merit-rank and category rank obtained by a qualified candidate for counseling. No separate information will be sent to the candidate personally for ICAR result.
The category wise final qualifying list will be prepared for counseling on the basis of the reservation category given by the candidate in the OMR answer sheet.
Counseling process of ICAR AIEEA
- On the basis of published overall merit-rank, the candidate will be given a special degree program in an agricultural university.
- In accordance with the availability of the seat, the applicant will be allowed to take admission as per his choice and the rank. Admission will be done through the online counseling process.
- After the admission in the allotted university or after the counseling, any change in subject/university or transfer/migration will not be considered.
- If at any stage of the admission process, it is found that the documents submitted by the candidate are fake / forged, the admission of such candidate will be seized and he will be liable for legal action.
If you want admission in Agriculture Courses
Fill up the form below if you want to take admission in Agriculture Courses. You will get a call back from the top Agriculture colleges.
ICAR AIEEA UG 2018 Syllabus
Examination Syllabus is always given in the official information brochure. To improve the good prospects of scoring, it is best to study all subjects given in the course. Courses include in ICAR exam 2018 was Physics (20 units), Chemistry (35 units), Biology (9 units), Math (10 units), Agriculture (4 units). The applicant can download the information brochure from the official website.
ICAR AIEEA UG Exam Pattern
- The duration of the exam is 2½ hours.
- The language of the question paper will be bilingual i.e. English and Hindi.
- Five topics, including Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, and Agriculture, will be included in the same question paper booklet. Of these 5 topics, the candidate has to choose only three subjects.
- 60 multi-choice questions will be asked for each subject and there will be four options for each question.
- Only 180 questions have to be tried, which is according to the combination of the selected subject. Thus the maximum marks in exams will be 720 marks.
- For each correct response, 4 marks will be given. There is negative marking. 1 mark for every wrong answer will be deducted.
- If the candidate answers for more than one answer for the same response then such reaction will be considered as a wrong answer and will invite negative marking.
Top Agriculture Institutions
1 | Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad |
2 | Agricultural University, Udaipur |
3 | Anand, Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat |
4 | Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam |
5 | Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand |
6 | Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur |
7 | Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai |
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