Post-secondary education in Australia is divided into:
- Higher education institutions (i.e. university, graduate business school, religious college etc.)- About 45 major institutions (most public) and 85 other institutions are there for higher education.
University of Australia
Here you will be provided with academic skills with a better understanding of the area selected, which can be implemented in other areas as well. You will not only learn about autonomy, science, engineering or art but will also learn how to think in constructive and independent ways.
Australian Universities and Higher Education Institutions offer graduate degrees and programs to achieve higher merit in diverse areas. They offer programs ranging from Architectural to Animal Science.
A graduate degree is the most common degree offered in Australia. Specialized research training and professional development are also offered through postgraduate degree and doctoral degree.
- Vocational education and training ( VET) and Technical and Foregoing Education (TAFE) institutions
A total of about 3,000 institutions are there in this scheme (1000 government technical and foregoing education institutions through [TAFE]) among which 60% are state-aided, 25% of federal assistance. A total of about 1.5M students (75% in TAFE) are there.
Entry into the University is based primarily on the school termination evaluative system (examination/assignment), of each state which opens the way for national tertiary education ranking (TER). Each state manages its system and fulfils the requirements of national level for coordination of its efforts.
Each state has Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Technical and Foregoing Education (TAFE) system. The VET is an alternate place in all the states. Studies conducted in one state get the same status in another state. Typically the VET / TAFE course is of two years.
The National Government provides funding to universities in all the states. Everyone is independent of their administration. They determine their curriculum and course content. For the operation of the course, it should get approval from the business body.
Many industries and businesses are providing useful training to their employees at the workplace. Parts of this training are normally counted among qualifications.